For a Special Friend
Single Issue Voting...
Lesson: Objective Truth and Hierarchy of Goods
What is Truth? How do we know it? Truth is that which corresponds to reality. But what is objective truth?
Objective Truth means that a specific truth remains true everywhere, independently of human thought or feelings. For instance, it is true always and everywhere that '2 plus 2 equals 4'. No matter where you decide to practice your arithmetic {be it in the classroom or Mars}, you will always get 4. But what else can fall into this category of Objective Truth? Here in America, the land of subjective rationalism, it may be hard to swallow that there are Truths that exist independently of our "feelings", thoughts or the American consensus. More on this to follow in the coming posts.
Hierarchy of Goods:
Hierarchy {defined by dictionary.com} is any system of persons or things ranked one above another. Though this may be another unpopular concept, it is an important one when discussing "single issue voting". In some way or another, everything has a value - whether it be monetary, aesthetic, or intrinsic. Because of this value, in some way everything fits into a Hierarchy of Goods. Let's try an exercise. Rank in Hierarchical order from 1 to 5 {with 5 being the greatest} the following items:
Your Mother
Your Puppy Fido
Your favorite CD
Unless you have a strange obsession with Tupperware I am guessing that did not even make it past 3 on your list. Why was that easy? Why? Because each of these items have value but their values are not all equal.
So, if there is objective truth (certain things are non-negotiable no matter if you are a republican, democrat, libertarian or just a regular John Smith) and there is a Hierarchy of goods, that would make certain items or proposals on a ballot more important than others, say for instance Life vs. money. What would you vote to protect to save?
Breaking News: Bishops speak out
The Bishops have issued a statement {full text here} which I think would be good for conversation (which will have to happen tomorrow as I am pressed for time).
As the article states, the Bishops issued "the joint statement in response to arguments that the Church should accept the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision on abortion as a "permanent fixture of constitutional law"... At the same time the two bishops also responded to those who argue that the Church's efforts against abortion should focus solely on restoring recognition for unborn children's human rights and that proposals to provide social and economic support for pregnant women distract from that effort."
My two favorite quotes from the statement follow:
"The law is a teacher, and Roe taught many women, physicians and others that abortion is an acceptable answer to a wide range of problems."
"Providing support for pregnant women so they choose to have their babies is a necessary but not sufficient response to abortion. Similarly, reversal of Roe is a necessary but not sufficient condition for restoring an order of justice in our society's treatment of defenseless human life," they said.
Get a full treatment of this and why it is great news here.
More on this tomorrow.
Many of you may have seen this Obama ad {although the real one has the word Hope - I could not bring myself to post the real one}... I first saw this a couple of weeks ago, but recently have been seeing more and more of them. However, one of my neighbors just added it to the back of her car and as I was driving away this morning, I had to comment...
As a philosophy major, senior year brought with it a thesis requirement. I decided to delve into the subject of Hope as I set out to prove that there was in fact a human virtue of hope. I used "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl as my main source.
Dictionary.com gives one definition of hope: a person on whom one's expectations are centered. In my study Hope can be better defined as the movement of the appetite towards a future good, which though hard to attain is possible of attainment.
In either definition, one could see why the Obama campaign would want to use this as their "slogan". However, if one looks at his campaign and the "rights" he stands for, what future good are we to expect if he were to be our President? In combing through his website one can find catchy little sayings, like "I want to campaign the same way I govern, which is to respond directly and forcefully with the truth,"~ Barack Obama.
Truth, corresponds to reality. How can a man who does not want to respect the lives of unborn children promise to govern with truth or use hope as his endorsement? What higher good will this country ever attain if we continue to kill its future citizens? It seems to me that we should be asking Obama what are his first principles when it comes to governing. It seems to me that based on what he keeps talking about - the Economy seems to be one of them. Economy which by its very nature will constantly ebb and flo {isn't that part of econ101?}... so instead of a higher good {LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness}, we have money?
American Papist has a good conclusion as well as an additional article. Read it here.
Bottom line: I disagree that the Obama campaign is "powered by hope" but is definitely powered by his first principle, money.
Squeezing orange juice from a rock?
definition of terms
Thus, as we are at the beginnning, it would be wise to lay the framework from which we will continue our discussions.
We shall proceed on the basis that there is objective truth and man is a composite being made up of both a physical nature and a spiritual nature which informs the physical material. {if you are reading this and disagree with either point, stay tuned, there is evidence that shall be used to explain}
We shall also return to the roots of philosophy using as our foundation the three classic laws which are attributed to Aristotle and informed the scholastic tradition.
1) The Law of Identity which states that an object is the same as itself: A ≡ A.
2) The Principle of Non-Contradiction: contradictory statements cannot both at the same time be true, e.g.: "A is B and A is not B" are mutually exclusive.
3) Law of Excluded Middle: Everything must either be or not be.
We will use the following example: Sophia is married. The law of excluded middle would hold that either Sophia is married or Socrates is not married is true by virtue of its form alone. That is, the "middle" position, that Sophia is neither married nor unmarried, is excluded by logic, and therefore either the first possibility (Sophia is married) or its negation (Sophia is not married) must be true.
Additional favored principles:
4) Nemo dat quod non habet: Nothing can give that which it does not have.
5) Principle of Sufficient Reason: For everything that is, there is a reason why it should be as it is rather than otherwise.
More time shall be spent developing all of these themes as this blog is developed.
Metaphysics 101
It has been a desire of mine for quite some time to have a space to put my passion for truth and wisdom and the study thereof into words. A creative outlet and also an educational space.
Why meta101? For a very simple reason. If every single man and woman were to take a basic metaphysics course that presented the basic human questions while imparting both answers and basic philosophical principles to these questions, the world would be a much different place. If you don't believe me, keep reading.